set gChapters = ["INTRO", "THE WAR", "CRISES", "LEGACY"] set gArticles = [["Partwork"], ["pic", "pic", "partwork", "pic", "cutting"], ["pic", "cutting", "cutting", "cutting", "cutting"], ["pic", "partwork", "partwork", "cutting"]] set gDates = [[], [0, 0, " ", 0, "The Times, May 31, 1943"], [0, "The Times, Nov 14, 1945", "News of the World, June 1, 1958", "The Times, May 8, 1968", "The Times, April 28, 1969"], [0, " ", " ", "The Times, Nov 11, 1970"]] set gName = getat(["Gaulle"],1) @[]####DE GAULLE IN ALGIERS MEETING WITH GIRAUD@[]#GENERAL DE GAULLE TO CHOOSE CABINET#DE GAULLE ALL SET FOR FULL POWERS TODAY#STUDENT UPOARS IN PARIS#DE GAULLE RESIGNS AFTER LOSING REFERENDUM@[]###LOOKING BACK ON THE GENERAL The de Gaulle's had three children; the youngest daughter, Anne, was mentally impaired. On her death, shortly after the war, he said: "Now at last our child is just like all children."#At the height of the Algerian crisis, General de Gaulle survived four attempts on his life#Before the fall of France in 1940, de Gaulle was well known in military circles as an expert on mechanised warfare#In 1961, tanks surrounded the presidential palace to protect de Gaulle from a possible coup attempt by rebel French army units from Algeria#Petain signed the French armistice with Hitler in the same railway coach that saw the Germans surrender to the French in 1918